Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Descended it downward and brought dog.

Heavy respiration and the becoming glassy eyes spoke, that it not long remained to live. Judging by the become white nose, it already almost stepped over the limit of canine existence. I placed terrier on the rug in fireplace. Seychas I will cut one pill in half, said Holmes, taking out pen nozh. one half we let us place conversely it still can prove useful. Other to treasure into this glass I fill the tea spoon of water. You see, our doctor of rights pill rapidly is dissolved. Da, is very amusing, by the obizhennym tone did pronounce Lestreyd, obviously, after suspecting that above it they do mock, but nevertheless I do not understand, what this does refer to Joseph stendzherson's death? Terpeniye, friend is my, patience! Soon you will ascertain that the pills have to it the most straight relation. Now I will add a little milk so that it would be povkusneye and dog would drink everything immediately. Vyliv contents of glass in the saucer, it placed it before the dog. That drank everything to the drop. Holmes's seriousness so acted on us, that we silently as bewitched, followed the dog, expecting something extraordinary. Nothing, however, it occurred. Terrier lay on the rug, everything so is heavy dysha, but from the pill it became neither better nor it is worse. Kholms took out hours; passed minute, another, dog breathed as before, and Sherlock Holmes sat with the deeply distressed, disappointed form. He prikusil lip, then began to drum by fingers on the table in a word, manifested all signs of sharp impatience. He thus was disturbed, which i became him sincerely it's a pity, and both detectives ironically smiled, clearly being glad at his failure.however, of Neuzheli this is simple sovpadeniye? it exclaimed finally; after jumping from the chair, it furiously began to walk on komnate. is not, it cannot be! Those pills themselves, which, as I assumed, killed Drebbera, they were found near dead Stendzhersona. And here they do not act! However, what this does mean? I do not believe so that entire line of my reasoning would prove to be incorrect. This is impossible! And nevertheless poor dog is living... A! Now I know! I know! S by this glad exclamation it gripped box, it cut the second pill in half, dissolved in the water, it added milk and it placed before the terrier. Hardly unhappy dog licked by language this mixture, as spasms nursed throughout its body, it was extended and was chilled, as if slain by lightning. Sherlok Holmes deeply sighed and wiped from the forehead perspiration. Nado to more entrust to itself, it said on. it is time to me to know, that if any fact is in conflict with the long chain of logical conclusions, which means, it it is possible to interpret otherwise. At the box lay two pills in one was contained fatal poison, another completely harmless. As this it did not surmise earlier than it saw box! Poslednyaya phrase seemed me by such strange that I did doubt, in the sensible it mind. However, the corpse of dog served as the proof of the correctness of its reasons. I felt that the fog in my head gradually is scattered and I begin to vaguely distinguish truth. Vam by all this seems by real game, continued Holmes, because at the very beginning of investigation you did not turn attention to the only circumstance, which served as present key to the secret. To me it had luck to be grasped for it, and entire future only confirmed my guess and, in the essence, it was its logical consequence. Therefore all that placed you in the blind alley and as you it seemed even more greatly tangled the matter, to me, on the contrary, much it explained and only confirmed my conclusions. It is not possible to mix up strange with the mysterious. Frequently the most commonplace crime proves to be most mysterious, because any special circumstances, which could serve as basis for the conclusions, do not accompany it. This murder would be infinitely with more difficulty guess, if corpse simply they found on the road, without everyone "outre"11 and sensational details, which gave to it the nature of singularity, strange details do not completely complicate investigation, but, on the contrary, they facilitate it.

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